Age: 37
Occupation: Full Time Musician/ Director & Founder of Music Box Wedding Live Band/ Guitar Teacher
Style: Classical/ Acoustic
No. of years of playing the guitar: 20 years
No. of hours spent on the guitar per week: Average 30 Hours?
Gig/ competition experience: • NYP Guitar Club School Performances (1996 to 2008) • Singapore Street Festival Performances (2001 to 2003) • The Ark (木船) Performer (2001) • STOMP MMSing Competitions 2007 Judges Choice Top 10 • STOMP MMSing Competitions 2008 5th Place • Musicdreamer Café Guest Performer (2008 – 2009) • TAOS Café Performer (2007 – 2008) • White Tangerine Café Performer (2008 – 2011) • C.Nai HK Express Café Performer (2009 – 2010) • Music Box Live Band Performer (2008 – Present) • Radio 1003 星期六,乐生活Unplugged Performer (2011 – 2012) • ABU Radio Song Festival Performer (2012) • CurryPop YouTube Band Performer (2016 - Present) • Street Busker (2016 - Present)
Website: talkingchord.com (Chord sheets/ Guitar Lessons)
musicbox.com.sg (Wedding Live Band)
YouTube: youtube.com/raynor1012 (Covers)
Facebook: facebook.com/raynormusic (FB Page)
Instagram: raynor1012 (Music, Life)
How did you get acquainted with guitar playing?
It all started when my cousin came over my house when I was 16. He saw my sister's classical guitar which she used for church, and started toying around with it. I was curious on the instrument and started to get interested in playing it.
I joined Nanyang Polytechnic Guitar Club 1 year later and got to play in an Ensemble, and started to play songs. I realised I was relative pitched and able to catch chords and keys of songs by ear. It soon became and addiction, and I started to chord out many of my favourite songs.
During my 3rd year in Poly, I decided to get serious and joined Yamaha Classical Guitar Course for 2years. That’s where I fortified my fundamentals and basics properly.
After which, I learnt mostly on my own and learnt from friends, better players and even YouTube. I also like playing on classical solos like Romance De Amor, Cavatina, Air on G String, and even more. Due to these influence in solo playing, I was able to figure out fingerstyle solos of even pop songs or any songs I like.
Describe your first experience playing on a guitar.
My 1st song on guitar was 陈汉玮, 蔡礼莲 - 关怀方式. I have no idea of guitar chords or tabs or even music theory. So, using the 6 strings and frets, I tried to figured out note by note of what was played from the song on CD, and finally figured out a way to actually play the intro out note by note!
Later on, I started to know about chords, tabs and timing, and then managed to play it out correctly.
What is the best thing about being a guitarist?
You can play any songs you want to and wow non-guitarists! Can 把妹?I woo-ed my wife with my singing and guitar :p
How many guitars do you currently own?
Blueridge BG60
Yamaha CG150CCE
Little Martin LX1E ESP
Doraemon Mini Limited Edition
If your house is on fire, which one would you run out with? Why?
I think my life is still most important...I will run out with my wife instead :p
First guitar: My Sister's Yamaha Classical (unsure, model name, but its an old classical model many many years ago)
Favourite guitar brand/ model: Gibson J-45 The sound and feel is heavenly matched. But its still to a dream to me now :p
First song you learned to play on guitar: 陈汉玮, 蔡礼莲 - 关怀方式
Song you love to play most on guitar: Doraemon Theme Fingerstyle
Most difficult song you have played on guitar: 玫瑰玫瑰我爱你 Fingerstyle Doraemon Theme Fingerstyle I figured them out note by note, chord by chord from other youtube video covers.
Tips for aspiring guitarists: Keep practising and don't give up!
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